Sunday, October 7, 2007

Thanks, Jinbo

myspace codes

Dear Jinbo,

Thank you so much for your help! Haha... know what? You might have just saved my family!

Really touched by the nice gesture you've selflessly extended even without my asking.

So proud and blessed to have you guys as my friends.

~ Lijuan ~


GB said...

Hi there

Haha, happy to be of help! Will visit on and off (if ok) to take a look at Vin :) Stay happy!

JoyfulJazzyMummy said...

Really thanks a lot! U are a miracle! Hahaha ....

ML said...

hi about what happened to vin and john in your blog. having a dog is like having a bb, need time to get used to the new family member...jia you :) that john will fall in love very soon with the new "bb" ..hee